Land Information:

The private location is 15 minutes west of Edgerton, and Interstate-94. 

It is 15 minutes south of Oregon/Stoughton, and 25 minutes south of Madison. 

You’ll receive a map and directions once your registration is complete. 

Free parking on site.

Land Awareness:
This privately owned land is a homestead and a supportive property, where the owners seek their own healing, spirituality and joy. They manage and wild tend it, including the herds and flocks who live upon the land. The owners take the utmost care of keeping their land, fields, stream, woods and animals who dwell there healthy and thriving. We treat it respectfully, and with gratitude.


We regret that retreat grounds are not accessible. Attendees must be able to amble on foot, of their own accord. Let us know if you are interested in accessible opportunities.

Weather Statement:

In the event of severe weather in the morning, we will shift the start time to 2pm. If severe or dangerous weather persists all day, the event will be canceled and rescheduled for a future date. If you are unable to make the future date, you will be refunded, less a $50 deposit fee. 

COVID Protocols:

In order to protect all attendees, ourselves and everyone’s families, contacts and clients, we require: 
Proof of vaccination; masks, for moments when we gather closer as a group; hand sanitizer use (provided).